Home Inventory
Earthquake, fires, theft, estate planning, divorce and prenuptial agreements, and many insurance policies require you to produce a list of what you have and what it is worth. As a home inventory service provider, we will help you create an accurate list of every item you own with compassion. We utilize state-of-the-art software to aid in the process. From the complex to the simple, we have the know-how and tools to help you get the job done.

Video and Digital Photography
Our Home Inventory Managers start by using video to create a visual record of the exterior and interior of your home and property. We then photograph your home and belongings as well as more valuable items from different angles.
Create Documentation
Our Home Inventory Managers will chronicle your items room by room, paying extra attention to valuables that might require extra insurance (also known as a "scheduled endorsement"). We record your information using secure online software, setting up an account and password solely for you so that you have complete access to your home inventory at any time. We also collect model numbers, serial numbers and other vital details and record them as well.
Your Inventory Report
Within a week, we deliver a link to your complete electronic Inventory Report with all the information we've compiled, including video and photographs. The photos and report remain safely and securely online for easy access in the event your report is misplaced or destroyed. We also provide you with detailed instructions on how to maintain and use your online record.
Scan Receipts and Other Important Property Documents
Our Home Inventory Managers also can scan important documents including receipts, warranties, deeds, insurance policies and more. These will be included in the Inventory Report.
After Your Inventory
If your inventory is for insurance purposes, we recommend discussing the report with your insurance broker. You'll probably find the actual value of what you own exceeds your insurance policy and some of your more valuable items may need extra insurance. Now you'll be completely covered and have an accurate record for planning purposes.
After-the-Fact Home Inventory
This is also sometimes known as a Disaster Response Inventory. Here in Southern California we contend with earthquakes, fires, mudslides and flash floods. In the midst of the turmoil ensuing from such a disaster, your insurance adjuster will ask for a detailed list of what has been lost. We can be at your side to help get this arduous task accomplished faster and more thoroughly.
We start with the same process we use with a normal home inventory, including videoing, photographing and documenting your belongings. We then arrange an interview with you and anyone else living in the home during which we gather as many details as possible about additional belongings that were lost or destroyed. As with our standard home inventory, we deliver to you a complete Inventory Report with all the information we've compiled, stored safely in the cloud along with your video and photographs.
We offer convenient packages for our home inventory services.
“Thanks very much for the Home Inventory summary. You and your team have done a great job cataloging and making sense of the inventory in my home. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and professionalism.” G. M.